Where to buy

Green Pin® Distributor Locations

In addition to its premium quality and service, Green Pin® is known for its unrivalled availability. Green Pin® is available from stock at our distributors in over 100 countries worldwide. Please contact us to find the distributor nearest to you.

Upcoming Green Pin® exhibitions

Green Pin® is present at the following international exhibitions in 2024:

OTC, Houston
6-9 May

Rio Oil & Gas, Rio de Janeiro
23-26 September

Green Pin CAD Drawings

If you go to the product pages of individual products on this website, you can also download the CAD-drawing (3D) of that product:

  • On the product page, go to the table with dimensions
  • Select the productsize that yo
Subsidiária no Brasil - Manilhas pino verde

A van Beest estabelece sua própria subsidiária no Brasil

1º de setembro de 2019 - Sliedrecht, Holanda.

Product categories

Looking for the Green Pin® FAQ, media files or an overview of certifications? Consult the Resource Center now. Or if you want information on one particular product: each individual product page also gives you all such information as it relates to that product.

Green Pin® ROV Shackles & Hooks
Green Pin® ROV Shackles & Hooks: A Complete Range

Some sea creatures are more specialized than others. More fit to the extreme conditions under water. Like our subsea shackles and hooks for ROV operations. Green Pin® offers an ocean of possibilities with our range of specialized components.

Contact form submission page (EN)

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We appreciate you contacting Green Pin®. One of our colleagues will get back to you soon with the requested information. Have a great day.

Best regards,

Green Pin® Customer Service

Newsletter submission page (EN)

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Best regards,

Green Pin® Customer Service

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