Maximise socketing results with the Socket Lock Socketing Resin

Green Pin®'s parent company, Royal Van Beest, has become the distributor of Socket Lock Socketing Resin. This new product is designed for socketing wire rope with a unique formula. Unlike traditional products, which use large-grain silica to thicken the resin, the polyester fibres of this socketing resin will suspend within the mixed resin and provide a homogenous (consistent) resin cone from top to bottom. The consistency of the resin cone prevents the formation of surface cracking once the resin is hardened. The formula is free of dry powders to eliminate health hazards associated with airborne dry powders, and is developed to ensure that the resin flows easily and can optimally penetrate the bottom of the socket. This will result in a very smooth resin cone, leaving the end user with no doubts about the socket termination’s high quality.

Socket Lock Socketing Resin Type Approved and Tested

Besides the phenomenal strength of the product, it also enhances the safety of your staff as no dry powders are used. This will eliminate the risk of workers inhaling hazardous substances. Furthermore, Socket Lock Socketing Resin is type approved by ABS and DNV and has been static break load tested to ensure high quality and comply with safety standards.

Socket Lock

Safe Shipping and Easy Application

The product is shipped in specially designed containers, which ensure no contaminations can occur during transport or storage. All Socket Lock Socketing Resin are equipped with the necessary tools for mixing and pouring the resin. Socket Lock Socketing Resin is now available from stock at Royal Van Beest (Green Pin®) and can be ordered in kit sizes of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 cc.

Socket Lock pack

Socket Lock Booster Pack

Additionally, Green Pin® also has the Socket Lock Socketing Booster Pack available. The booster packs are used for cold temperature socketing and are required when ambient temperatures are below +16 °C (+60 °F). The Socket Lock Socketing Resin can be used with all types of Green Pin® spelter sockets. Click here to see the spelter socket range.

Required resin volume for socket wire rope terminations

Socket Volume

Watch the Socket Lock Socketing Resin video

Socket Lock is a polyester socketing resin primarily used in the lifting, rigging, mooring and offshore industry. The video provides a detailed overview of the product and user instructions.


Great customer service is one of Green Pin®’s core values. The Green Pin® (part of Royal Van Beest Group) commercial and technical support teams are standing by to swiftly provide you with a solution. Fill out the form and let us contact you!

   Van Beest B.V.
   Industrieweg 6
   3361 HJ Sliedrecht

   T: +31 184 41 33 00
   F: +31 184 41 49 59

Socket Lock



  • Does the Socket Lock Socketing Resin have an expiration date?
    The expiration date marked on the carton and on the individual kits is 18 months from the package date. However, the 18 months is based on the product being stored at 21 °C (70 °F). If the product is stored in temperatures higher than 21 °C (70 °F), the shelf life of the resin will be reduced. Storing in a cool, dry place helps guarantee Socket Lock’s intended shelf life. Storing at temperatures cooler than 21 °C (70 °F) guarantees the shelf life and freshness of the product.
  • Does the Socket Lock Socketing Resin consist of one or two components?
    Socket Lock Socketing Resin consists of two components. Part A is the resin, and Part B is a paste which works as an activator. This activator kicks off the chemical reaction to make the resin harden. As there is no powder used as an activator this resin is less hazardous for the operator as there is no risk of inhaling the dust particles.
  • What does the all-in package consist of?
    Socket Lock Resin is shipped inclusive of all tools needed for mixing and pouring the resin. All kits are shipped inside a plastic pail, which serves as the mixing vessel. The kit contents include two foil pouches, one as Part A Resin and the other as Part B Activator. Also included in each kit are the mixing instructions, as well as a mixing stick and fast funnel to help pour the mixed resin into the socket.
  • In what kit sizes is the Socket Lock Socketing Resin available?
    The Socket Lock Socketing Resin kit is available in kit sizes 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 cc.
  • Which resin volume is required for the socket size?
    The resin volume depends on the wire rope diameter of your socket. Please find in the table below the approximate resin volume per wire rope diameter. Please note that the socket volumes in this table are approximate and may vary according to the manufacturer.
  • At what temperature can the resin be used?
    The Socket Lock Socketing resin kit can be used at any temperature. Booster packs are required when using the resin when ambient temperatures are below 16 °C (60 °F). Booster kits can be ordered with Green Pin® as well.